Application Update to AWS System and Product Development

Executive Summary

Creating a seamless website experience for your customers is critical to improving the overall customer experience. Our company supported the web application update to the AWS system of accounts receivable solutions company in Australia

Flexisource IT has led a team in updating and migrating a website application product for an automated accounts receivable company in Australia.

We provided front-end and backend development services for the efficient planning, strategy, and execution of product migration and updates. Our team of developers and their dedicated project manager supported the client’s need to execute product


About the Client

IODM is a leading Australian accounts receivable solution with a software product that automates administrative tasks, improves operations and cash flow. They customize the applicable fitted to any accounting and ERP software package to services various types of businesses –from SMEs to multinational corporations.


Client Challenges

Tech companies rely on constant innovation of processes, tools, systems, and technologies. The latest updates and best practices are necessities to keep them ahead of their competitors. In this case study, the client faces the challenge of migrating their current system to newer and more up-to-date methods through AWS.

The client’s product needed an update in systems because of continuous product development. Their current system needed an upgrade with additional features, integration of new design, user interface (UI), and user experience (UX). The client also finds the challenge of integrating the current software to the Amazon Web Services (AWS).

In summary, the client urgently needs to update the overall UI/UX experience on their product, integrate the current software into AWS, develop its additional features, and maintain the updated software.


How Flexisource IT helped the client

Flexisource IT is at the forefront of innovation in the IT outsourcing industry. As the champion for innovation, Flexisource IT ensures to provide high-quality service for every project it handles.

Flexisource IT is known for its efficient delivery of high-quality output and professional work ethics to provide top-caliber IT experts in the industry. Flexisource IT is driven to assist clients with their IT needs to help them serve their clients better.


Our Solutions

  • Migrate and integrate the client’s software product from their current system into the AWS system and develop new features and functionalities.
  • Provide a senior team front-end and backend development capabilities with React and .Net framework.
  • Ensure everything is of the best quality with stringent quality testing measures.


Step 1: Scoping and identifying Requirements

Our collaboration with the client began by identifying their needs and requirements for the project. We laid down the plans and how we could do the task more efficiently. As the champion for Agile development, we have recommended this approach to the client to be facilitated by our certified Scrum Master and supervised by our dedicated project manager.

Since the client has existing software, the priority is to migrate their current system into AWS. The needed adjustments were needed to be applied and ensure that the system would function as usual.


Step 2: Software Migration and Development Process

The client has their existing automated accounts receivable software. Our developers needed to scope and migrate its system to AWS. Since it is an all-new platform for the software, the team and the client needed to adjust. With the Agile development process, the development team was able to produce output through increments.

As of writing, the client has been collaborating with Flexisource IT for more than a year. The team was tasked to develop the MVP needed by the client to present to its stakeholders the improvements of the software, including new features –notifications, reports, and credits.


The project initially was targeted to finish after six months. However, further improvement and feedback from stakeholders led the client to continue collaborating with Flexisource IT.

Currently, we are in the process of developing the additional features and functionalities of their product. Our expert, front-end, and backend developers are at the forefront, working on product development, led by our dedicated scrum master and IT project manager.

The dedicated project manager and scrum masters manage the seamless workflow for the Manila team, ensuring that all deliverables and tasks are executed with the highest quality. The scrum master makes sure everything is aligned to the agile development process. The sprints are according to the timeline.


Step 3: Ensuring the highest quality of output

As new features are to be added and developed, there is a need to maintain the quality of the newly added features of a product. Customers should have a seamless experience in using the product, so developers should have little to no bugs and errors in the system.

This is where the quality assurance (QA) engineer comes into play. Their role is to ensure that everything the development team builds is thoroughly checked.

To achieve the highest quality of the product, our senior QA engineer came up with various tests and regression plans to test the product. We conduct functional testing to validate the software against applicable requirements specifications, to confirm functionality or that the system behaves as expected.

We also conduct regression testing, which validates that the system will work as expected per the given requirement after the enhancements, new functionalities, or bug fixes have been implemented.


Regression Testing High-Level Process:

  • We listed down all the changes done in the application per sprint.
  • Assessed the degree of the impact caused by the change.
  • Define the Regression Test strategy:
    • Identify the coverage as well as the test objectives.
    • Test data preparation criteria and requirements were laid out properly and cascaded to the team, so everyone is on the same page.
  • Test case design and development for regression suite, with the following items that taken into consideration in selecting test cases:
    • Test cases where we frequently discover defects.
    • Test cases that verify the core features of the application under test.


Lastly, we also conducted acceptance testing to validate the end-to-end business flow of the product.

As the development team continues to build additional features and functionalities of the software, the QA engineer develops various types of stringent tests and scenarios. This is to make sure that the increments delivered by the team are free from errors and are working correctly in the software.

The overall monitoring, coordination, and supervision of the project were done by the team’s dedicated project manager and scrum master. In every project handled by Flexisource IT, a seasoned project manager provides end-to-end assistance to address their challenges.



Flexisource IT has provided high-quality services from top-caliber IT experts in the industry. We helped the client successfully migrate their previous product to AWS and provided an efficient, Agile development process to ensure timely and efficient delivery of increments every sprint.

With the expertise of the developers in the team, they were able to suggest improvements to the software. On top of delivering high-quality output, the team proactively communicates with the client to get the job done.

With the successful delivery of the MVP of the new product with the additional features, the client has continued the collaboration with Flexisource IT. The development of the product is still in its process of completion. The product is expected to be completed in Q4 in 2020.


Call to Action

Flexisource IT helps companies in Australia and New Zealand with its top-tier IT Support and Digital Marketing. We ensure clients deliver excellent results using the best practices and technology in the industry.

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