ways to secure your website

Ways To Secure Your Website

5 Ways to Secure Your Website

Many businesses put security to the least of their worries most of the time. After all, there are other more urgent priorities on their plates to make sure the business is going well.

It is only recently that business owners and startup founders have paid attention to cybersecurity, given the biggest news and cyberattacks even to large tech companies. You don’t have to be an expert to fortify your defences against malicious attacks, at the very least, to your company’s website.

Here are some helpful ways to secure your website to keep attackers away from your data, assets, and other resources:


Utilize security plugins

Many websites are built with a content management system (CMS) that can integrate security plugins. Platforms like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal can integrate security plugins that prevent website hacking attempts and protect your data from malicious attacks. 

There are easy-to-install free and paid security plugins that come with several features. For instance, WordPress let you install plugins for security factors like anti-spam protection, data management, and limited access. 

Security plugins are crucial in securing your website from cyberattacks. It’s your first line of defence against malicious attempts to breach your data and privacy whether your website is managed with CMS or built with HTML.


Always Update your system

It might seem that updating your website is such a tedious task, especially when you have built your website without using website builders, but it’s necessary for protecting your platform. 

If you’re using website builders and have CMS, it’s crucial to regularly install updates. There are various open-source tools that give hackers opportunities to exploit platforms. Because of this, you have to always update your available updates and help keep track of the previous ones.


Get SSL certified

Getting a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is important for websites, especially for websites for eCommerce, since you deal with confidential information from your clients like credit cards, personal data, email addresses, and other contact information.

An SSL is a global standard security technology that encrypts the data between the web browser and a web server. SSL is essential for all website to decrease the risk of exposing sensitive information from being stolen or tampered with by hackers.

In simpler terms, SSL allows the server and the website to have a “private” conversation. SLL certificate guarantees that the identity of the website is legitimate and trust-worthy.


Make sure you have secured passwords

Data leaks and hacking often happen when hackers find out the username, emails, and passwords of users because they have been using the same passwords for everything they use on the internet. This might sound like a no-brainer, but people still use the password “123456” as their password on their accounts.

What should you do? You have to change your passwords often and avoid predictable number, combinations, and adjacent keyboard combinations. You can use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Better yet, use password managers so you can use highly unique passwords without the need to memorize them.


Have a backup

Even when you tried your best in securing your website, there still exists a risk of hackers outsmarting you. So it’s better to secure a backup of all your resources just in case your website has been compromised. Either do it manually from time to time or invest in automatic backups can help in keeping your peace of mind. You can never truly be safe from malicious attacks, so having a backup plan is never a bad idea. 

Having a secure website is crucial in maintaining your business and in establishing trust with your prospects and customers. Don’t want to fall victim to drastic cyber attacks, build a website that can’t be easily attacked.

If you’re looking for reliable website development, security, and maintenance, go for Flexisource IT. We help businesses build fully-managed, reliable, offshore IT teams to achieve their goals through software development, IT support, and digital marketing. Don’t just outsource it, Flexsiource IT!




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