Here’s How Australian Companies Are Adapting to Remote Work

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Here’s How Australian Companies Are Adapting to Remote Work

As Australia faces lockdown once again after a long period of no recorded cases of COVID-19, businesses are better prepared in bracing for its economic effects. Unlike when the pandemic first broke out, Australian companies are better adjusted to the new normal.

The norm of working-from-home (WFH) setup has increased the flexibility and adaptability of many businesses. In order to maintain operations as seamless as possible, companies need to revise their processes and rework how they operate.

For teams and individuals, the challenges are staying focused and creating a workable routine for day-to-day activities at work. You would wonder as an employee about how you can adapt to remote work quickly.

How do Aussie companies do it?

Being able to switch to a WFH setup is a privilege for businesses and companies that withstood the trials of the crisis resulted from the pandemic. Australian businesses that survived are those who quickly pivoted their products and services and those who have a flexible operational structure or have a remote work setup even before the pandemic.

The concept of being able to work from home with your pyjamas might be enticing as it is, but companies and employees need to address some essential basics –the things many of us have taken for granted.

One of the ways Aussie companies have adapted is through mirroring their normal routine as closely as possible.

Get up at the same time as normal, having breakfast and always changing out of sleeping clothes ensures your mindset is conditioned that you’re ready to start your workday. The power of routine can develop an efficient system for you and it will help you take on tasks better since you have the right frame of mind to accomplish work.

Another way to efficiently work remotely is to avoid distractions at home. From family members and pets to household chores that suddenly seem strangely calls for you. When this poses a risk, you have to create a system that sets clear boundaries between personal and work.

  • Establish a clear personal and workspace to activate cues that you are “at work” and “at home.”
  • Don’t work on the couch in front of the TV.
  • Have a dedicated home office or at least a separate table away from your bed and living room.

With the technology and available tools we have now, people can go and work anywhere provided that they have strong processes and systems in place.

Having the right attitude in remote work greatly contributes to the team’s overall performance. Setting clear goals, transparency, accountability, and good communication will make remote working easier for teams.

If it is possible, having employees choose their own schedule works best for them. Whether they’re night owls or early birds, it is more productive for employees if they have the option to select their own work hours. With remote work, there’s no reason why they can’t do that.

The right tools enable employees to do their tasks as efficiently as possible. Video conferencing platforms, collaboration tools, time trackers, and project management applications are making a difference with Australian teams.

Many companies also attempt to establish culture through collaboration and exciting virtual hangouts, webinars and forums for employees.

If you’re looking to build a handpicked, dedicated IT teams for your software development, IT support, and digital marketing needs, go for Flexisource IT. Don’t outsource it, Flexisource IT!

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