Even with the advent of mobile devices gaining more traction, there are still a majority of users that prefer desktop and laptop computers. This is mostly because they are used in their line of work. Even businesses still use desktop applications in tandem with mobile counterparts.
Desktop applications are often more costly to build since they usually have a lot of features. The scope is also often broader compared to mobile applications. Because of this, developing desktop applications can take more time and resources.
Here are some programming languages and platforms that are often used in developing desktop applications for a variety of operating systems available.
C Windows API
As the name suggests, this language is used for Microsoft’s Windows operating system which is often installed for home systems across the world. There are different platform implementations that are available inside the C Windows API. It is part of the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK).
The programming language behind C Windows API is obviously C, which is one of the first rudimentary languages that are taught in introductory courses for computer programming. The data structures and functions are all described in C. However, the API itself can be used in conjunction with other programming languages applicable. For instance, the C++ programming language is often used in the Windows 8 API which is designed to be object-oriented.
For businesses that want to develop in-house software for their Windows computers, C# is often used along with the Visual Basic platform. It is generally preferred for desktop application development. It is also used more compared to Java but it all still depends on the kind of desktop program that will be developed by the business.
There are a lot of applications that are based on the Java programming language and platform. It can also be used in a variety of Java-based platforms aimed at developing desktop applications such as JavaFX, awt, Swing, and more. Even one of the world’s most popular video game, Minecraft, was made in Java.
The complexity of the video game speaks volumes of what the Java programming language can do. However, it should be worth noting that it took several years to develop such a successful video game. For business, Java desktop applications could be developed faster since the features would be limited to what will be used by the workers or employees.
Embarcadero Delphi
This programming language and platform was once favoured by developers due to its robust capabilities. However, the pricing and the lack of investment in the platform has paved the way for .NET platforms to be preferred by desktop application developers.
Another iteration and improvement of the C programming language, C++ is often used for both Windows and Linux-based programs. There are also a lot of platforms that are used for C++ such as SDL and Qt. It is a complicated language but the capabilities seem to be endless. In fact, video game developers often used C++ with OpenGL and DirectX for their video game engines.
These libraries and frameworks are used to make developing desktop applications easier. Choosing a programming language and platform also depends on a lot of factors in the first place such as:
What is the purpose of developing a desktop application? The business might want to create an in-house software to help with their processes and such. Some may want to create video games for revenue. The purpose is one of the major factors in choosing the language and frameworks needed.
Will it be based on Windows or UNIX systems? Some frameworks and libraries only work on either. Developing for a lot of platforms may take a while and it would certainly even be more expensive in the long run. Sustainability Will the desktop application receives regular patching and updates?
There are languages and frameworks that allow for such scalability and support. It would also be better for in-house software for businesses since they would need to depend on the application.
To save more on money and resources, one option is to Flexisource desktop application development. All of the preparation can be done by the Fleixsourced developers. There is no need for clients to study and research what they need since they can just consult the developers and have it made for them. It is a more affordable and more sustainable option.