2022 Statement Against Modern Slavery – Flexisource IT

Statement of Richard Gross, our CEO at Flexisource IT

We, at Flexisource IT, deliver services and a commitment to technology with integrity and honesty. We aim to impact a more sustainable and equal world positively. Thus, we look to embody a work environment that fosters collaboration, cooperation, compassion, and respect for all individuals and their rights.

Our business aligns with our Core Values, the International Labour Organization Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), Labour Code, and Its implementing Rules. We will continue to bring these values and commitments to life in our business and support eliminating modern slavery and forced labour.

We understand that our clients and partners look to us for visibility into our human rights practices and policies. And we believe that transparency builds trust. Likewise, here is Flexisource IT’s 2022 Statement Against Modern Slavery.

Flexisource IT’s Commitment to Human Rights and Responsible Business

FLEXISOURCE IT PTY LTD is a privately owned company providing information technology consultancy and business services, operating in both Australia and the Philippines. We are a leading source of top-calibre, fully managed I.T. teams dedicated to servicing Australian businesses.

As an organisation providing professional I.T. services, we are committed to ensuring that all our business processes, dealings, and partnerships are conducted ethically and legally – in strict compliance with relevant laws in the Philippines.

Flexisource IT has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and any form of exploitation. We treat all employees and personnel with respect and dignity by providing safe work conditions, pioneering change, and supporting equality.

We are committed to preventing slavery, exploitation, and human trafficking in part of our own corporate activities and ensuring that our clients and partners are free from oppression and abuse. The company commits the following procedures that mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in its operation.

Read further information about Flexisource IT at www.flexisourceit.com.au/about/

Employment Practices Against Modern Slavery

As part of our commitment to eradicating modern slavery, we ensure that our employees have the right to work and are protected by employment legislation. Likewise, Flexisource IT follows appropriate Philippine’s laws and regulations in eradicating modern slavery, such as:

Likewise, the company makes sure that all employment status is clearly defined. All eligible benefits are provided following the Labor Code of the Philippines and the Department of Labor and Employment’s Rules Implementing Articles 106 to 109 of the Labor Code.

    • The right to a reasonable wage following their work hours as per the labour code
    • Overtime Pay under the specific provisions of the Philippine Labour Code
    • Benefits following the Philippine Labour Code, including maternity leave, government-mandated benefits, etc.

Recruitment and Selection

Flexisource IT is dedicated to maintaining a fair and ethical workplace for all our employees. We employ with equal opportunities and without regard to race, origin, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, status, etc. Our work policy and procedures promote diversity, as established within our company’s core values. We hire based on their qualifications.

In addition, we comply with all applicable Philippine Employment Legislation relating to employee recruitment, including the right to work evidence, minimum employable age, prohibited practices, etc.

The company is sensitive and remains alert to the issue of fair and equitable treatment and ensures that all employees have the right to work and are protected by the labour code.

Supply Chain and Partnership

In addition to our employment and recruitment, Flexisource IT ensures that all businesses conducted with its suppliers and partners are assessed carefully. We established all existing company relationships upon mutual benefits and collaborative means. We have not been aware of any trafficking or slavery activities within our partner chain.

If we are to learn any of such activities, Flexisource IT will act immediately under our legal, ethical, and business obligations.

Training and Advocacy on Slavery and Human Trafficking

Flexisource IT is devoted to advocating awareness of any kind of slavery within our industry and company. We ensure that all applicable employees are compliant and are well aware of the employment legislation.

Our workers receive training on values and business principles during their New Hire Orientation and coaching. We encourage our employees to be able to identify any potential risks and express any concerns accordingly.

Looking Ahead

Flexisource IT continues to improve and review our efforts against modern slavery in the industry. We aim to strengthen our commitment to ensuring that slavery is not happening within our organization, supply chain, or partners.

We are regularly enhancing our practices to support the elimination of slavery globally. We are creating our approach and strategies against this issue. If you have any questions about this statement or any concerns regarding modern slavery with Flexisource IT, please email us at  .

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