business solutions

IT outsourcing companies in the Philippines

Top 10 IT Outsourcing Companies in the Philippines

The top 10 outsourcing companies in the Philippines stand above the best of the best in the world. This is because Filipino outsourcing companies have created a worldwide reputation for being efficient, cost-effective, and communicative.  But those aren’t the only benefits of IT outsourcing in the Philippines. Learn more about the different advantages of outsourcing in a different country and the top IT companies in the Philippines that specialise in remote IT services below. Benefits of Outsourcing IT Services to the Philippines There are many IT outsourcing companies in the Philippines. But why is that, and how do you take advantage of it for your business? Multiple companies from different parts of the globe utilise talented Filipinos for their business needs daily because of the benefits, the skills, and the cost-effectiveness. Still, that doesn’t mean other countries can’t do the same. Right? Well, there’s an edge to the Philippines that few other countries have. Below are just a few of these benefits utilised by companies worldwide. Language  Language barriers are the biggest issue when it comes to outsourcing. People experience multiple issues when collaborating because of the difference in languages. It takes a large amount of time to continuously explain tasks if translation is required. The majority of Filipinos are fluent in English. This is because English is the second language of the country. Because of their fluency in English, communication with your hired talents is easier and less overwhelming due to mistranslations.  Startup Friendly Another benefit when utilising IT outsourcing companies in the Philippines is their startup-friendly nature. Unlike other outsourcing companies in different countries, the Philippines is proudly cost-effective. That means paying less in your currency while receiving a high-quality service. The best part? The income the outsourcing talent receives is a fair price in their currency. It’s a win-win situation.  Westernised Culture Cultural differences can also become a barrier when working with third-party contractors. Some jokes or conversations may be comfortable in one culture but not another. Unfortunately, it isn’t just jokes that cause barriers due to the differences in cultures.  The way we speak, even if it’s the same language, can also cause misunderstandings. The best part about hiring outsourced Filipino talents is that their culture is westernised. This means similar customs from the United States and their preferences for basketball, TV shows, and even music. As a result of this influence, talents hired naturally have an understanding of Western practices, markets, and interests. Not only do you receive healthy communication with your efficient outsourced talent, but you also receive their beneficial insights on your target market. Government Support and Regulations Another bonus in utilising IT outsourcing companies in the Philippines is their government backing. Since the BPO industry has become a pillar in the Philippines economy, their government has chosen to guide its growth and entice not only possible talents but BPO companies as well. Just one of the many programs the government spearheads are TESDA (Technical Education and Skills Development Authority) which funds training centres, tax incentives, and SOPs for foreign investment. Top 10 IT Outsourcing Companies in the Philippines Now that we have an idea of the benefits it’s time to learn about the cream of the crop. Below are some of the best outsourcing companies that the Philippines has to offer. In no particular ranking, the ten listed below have proven exemplary in their fields. Included in their description are their specialties and a bit of background on their company. Concentrix Concentrix is a famous American outsourcing company hiring talented Filipinos with over 50 branches nationwide. They pride themselves in advanced technology, utilising AI technology to increase core business functions like CX management, Data and Analytics, and CX strategy. All their services centre around their customer’s experience and enhance it to its full potential, making it a top contender for outsourcing. VXI What makes VXI one of the best IT outsourcing companies in the Philippines is its unique experiences in catering to companies within retail, tech, and government. Their goal is to provide technical support, IT solutions, and help desk services while tailoring their solutions for operational efficiency specific to their clients. Connext A growing player in the PH outsourcing industry is Connext. Not only do they specifically hire the best staff with reputable experiences, but they are also experienced enough to handle middle-market and above businesses. Connext prioritises optimisation by utilising staff augmentation while maintaining success to their  hire high-quality staff with solutions that cater to middle-market businesses. What makes them unique is how they handle their recruitment process for tech roles, which helps deliver a supply of experienced professionals.  Foundever What’s interesting about Foundever is its history. There were once two separate outsourcing companies Sitel and Sykes, who competed with each other. However, a merger was formed between the two which created Foundever. Another interesting part about Foundever is that it’s located globally. However, it hosts multiple centres around the Philippine archipelago. The reason why Foundever belongs to this list of top IT outsourcing companies in the Philippines is because of their experience. As one of the pioneers of telemarketing in the whole world, Foundever has found itself brimming with expertise in customer experience services and ensuring quality relationship building between their clients and their client’s consumers. Accenture Anyone who uses Facebook has had a brush with Accenture. This is because their top client in content moderation is the social media giant itself. Not only is Accenture a top firm in the Philippines, but it’s also globally recognised around the world. Accenture is an Irish-American outsourcing company with a specialty in content moderation. They’re well-known for their advanced technologies and call centre operations located in Metro Manila, Taguig City, Makati City, and Quezon City. These cities are urbanised business sectors in the Philippines. Teleperformance The BPO company, Teleperformance, situated its headquarters in the heart of Mandaluyong City in Metro Manila. The French omnichannel presents itself with digitally integrated services to international companies that specialise in back-office services and scaling

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employee assistance

How Can Outsourcing Companies Provide Employee Assistance During the War?

Wars all over the world are a significant issue today. It has deeply worried a lot of people worldwide. Many felt great anxiety as they watched the event unfold and the situation deepens. And it is entirely understandable for companies to feel uncertain about their business and for employees to be scared for their safety. Without a proper plan of action or continuity plan, your organization might not survive the war. Thus, employers need to carefully consider creating a plan to ensure the safety of their business. They need to help employees who are directly affected by the conflict and how to manage different situations. This article will discuss how companies can prepare for an upcoming war and how they can help their employees during any conflict in the country. What should Companies do to prepare for the upcoming war? When social unrest starts, every government, civil society, and other organization crumbles. People face instability, infrastructures are destructed, and the welfare system, including health and education, is destroyed. According to World Economic Forum, the financial cost of war alone is as high as $14.3 trillion. Regardless of people’s ability to cope, armed conflict can deplete human, social, and financial capacities. But with the proper grounding and tools, people and institutions can face and manage this instability better. Traditional security and government humanitarian aid are usually not sufficient to help your employees to recover. Companies must harness new solutions between the employee and employer to create a proactive plan for their business and employees. 1. Know your obligations Armed conflict often suspends business operations in areas affected. But what usually happens to their workers? It is generally unclear where an employer’s responsibilities fall during an armed conflict. There is not one set of standard operating procedures for a company to follow at times or during wars, and all duty bears to the government and international governmental organizations. Some large companies take prompt action to evacuate their employees. In one case in Libya, the oil company BP moved its staff. It made its leased plane available to the UK government to help them marshal their resources back to the UK. However, not all companies have this type of resource. Small to medium-sized organizations are powerless during armed conflict. In this case, the company needs to consult and inform the local government to take local nationals out of their country to evacuate. 2. Mitigate risks for the company and employees Risks in an armed conflict are not the same for every company. It heavily depends on the industry and the size of the company. For example, startup companies are more likely not to be able to survive a war, unlike a large established company with resources. Businesses need to assess and mitigate their risk to plan accordingly. Here are some factors a company needs to include when mitigating risks before the war: Offering employees time off when they need it Providing resources to help employees manage stress and anxiety, such as mental health days or counseling sessions Costs to keep employees and business alive Constraints in running the business Military reserved employees 3. Acknowledge workers’ experiences with compassion and understanding Conflict leaves physical and mental scars on everyone, even your employees. You cannot stop your employees from being stressed about their own and family’s safety, not to mention their careers and source of income. Most employees’ morale would be low, and some may not do their jobs accordingly. Likewise, employers need to acknowledge workers’ feelings and experiences. Employers should extend support to all employees. Companies should also prepare mental health guidance for their workers or partner with a therapist to help provide mental employee assistance. 4. Prepare Policies and Business Continuity Plan The employer’s job is not to fight the war. Instead, they should prepare themselves for the war. Employers need to ensure that their employees are protected and do not get hurt at work. They also need to make sure that they know what legal rights they have in the workplace and how to enforce those rights if necessary. Thus, it is wise for a company to prepare well-researched and well-thought plans that will reflect their actions and the safety of their employees during the war. 5. Educate your managers on recognizing distress. Educating your company leaders is also essential employee assistance to your employees. Armed conflict is a very traumatic situation. As such, it’s important to educate managers on how to recognize distress and what to do when they notice it. It will help prevent any more conflict inside your company. How can employers help workers during the war? While companies must take action during the war, it is precious for companies to do something for their employees. The first step that they can take is to contact neutral agencies such as ICRC to help facilitate their evacuation and ensure the protection of everyone. Likewise, below are some steps on what an employer can do during a war.  1. Identify employees affected by the armed conflict While most employees will be affected by armed conflict, learning the risks and hotspots of a dispute is essential. It is to know which employee you should help first or what your employee might experience during the conflict. Companies should also conduct a stress test scenario where you create what-if scenarios and how your company and employees should respond to this. It can help your business and its workers are resilient during conflict and know you can continue your business. 2. Communicate your policies and action plan to your employees The next step is for you to communicate your procedures and plan to employees. They need to be aware of your company’s strategy during an armed conflict. There is never a greater need for transparency than war. It is time for company leaders to be frank with their employees and board members about what they plan on during the war. Don’t sugarcoat anything. Tell your employees the extent of your capability. Will you be

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How Businesses Can Improve Crisis Communications With Customers

How Businesses Can Improve Crisis Communications With Customers

Everyone copes up with the effects of the pandemic in different ways. Regardless of the situation you’re in, this is a difficult time. Some people are lucky enough to seclude themselves into their homes and practice social distancing but can still continue to work from home. However, many people can’t. This is a crisis of uncertainties and fears that we might be fortunate enough not to think about. This is more so apparent on businesses, especially for small ones. Finding ways to ensure small businesses stay afloat during this crisis is challenging. Business owners might be worried as they find solutions to keep the business running despite the unprecedented challenges. While we can’t control how the pandemic played out, we can control how we communicate with our audience. It’s critical to improve crisis communications with customers especially in a time when people are worried with the uncertainties of the “New Normal.” This is this time where people are undergoing a lot of stress. Owners need to make sure their small businesses do not come off as unsympathetic, exploitative, and triggering. Customers are hypersensitive and will definitely remember how your businesses responded in this crisis. In this article, we will explore how businesses can improve crisis communications with customers. Head-on addressing the situation Every business facing this crisis will pose the same question, when it comes to their marketing efforts.  “Is there a need to change our marketing strategy?” The question is both a yes and a no. Various industries directly affected by the pandemic most likely halted all the plans and efforts lined up for their businesses. As the owner and/or manager, you might find your marketers or even yourself postponing paid search campaigns and pause email campaigns. You might even think about scraping your current strategy and create a new one altogether. Regardless of the possible changes, the “New Normal” will forever change the way how everyone operates. And this change must be handled carefully and sympathetically. If you haven’t already, your customers will need some clarifications on where you stand.  Conducting a public address may shed some light on how you are handling things. Communicating directly with your customers is key, not only for addressing their personal concerns but for a sense of normality and security in their lives as well. Suppose you’re in a food supplying business. One of the biggest worries of your customers is how you’ll help them still get the food supplies they need amid the lockdowns and halts in food production. Letting them know about where you stand and how you are finding ways to still help them will give them a sense of assurance that they can rely on you. You may also create content that does not directly mention COVID-19. Moving forward, however, your content should be crafted with the current situation in mind. Ask your customers what they want As the business owner and/or manager, you need to touch base with your customers and ask them what they want. They are experiencing a paradigm shift in their daily lives, so as a business, they would need your support. A small business needs to provide support and reassurance during these times. They would need a rock that will keep them steady, and you need to make sure that your business can be that rock. This will help you get closer to your customers and they will certainly see your sincerity, transparency, and sympathy which will gain their trust and loyalty. Create valuable content Creating valuable content is now more important than ever. Anyone can create content, but not every content is valuable. Your business needs to give useful, relevant, and informative content to your audience, especially in this crisis.  This is where the need for an excellent content marketing strategy comes in. What the customer needs is the content that addresses their pain points. In content marketing, content specialists need to plan and strategise ways to create a curated valuable content that will address the pain points. If your content is valuable, genuinely helpful, and soothes their pain points, there is a higher chance that they will come back for more and and share your content as well. Create points of discussion, list useful resources, social posts that highlight some of the ways that people can cope on a daily basis.  Avoid hard selling and craft your messaging to something that prioritises the people more than your business. Make sure that you’re creating content with a real-life value. Transparency is key In this crisis, you can think of ways to update your customers and audience regularly. You may do this in a way that ensures your business is seen as authentic and transparent. Maximising social media platforms will help you reach your customers better. You may use those available platforms to update them about your products, services, and changes in your business. For businesses dependent on physical selling, you may inform your customers how long they might have to wait until you open again.  If you’re a restaurant business, you might have closed your location, but still take orders. You may announce that your customers can order food from your businesses and have them delivered. Another way you can be transparent is to accentuate your ad copy with the sympathetic messaging in paid search or paid social campaigns. A great digital marketing team can help you craft these more sympathetic strategies and messaging with your audience. While marketing might not be the top priority at the moment, businesses may find it essential to improve crisis communication with customers. With everyone facing the effects of the pandemic, customers are looking for something that they can depend on. Hopefully, it is your business.

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